Saturday, May 18, 2013

Catching up in pictures!

Welcome to Montana!! 
Summer Time Fun! Living in West Yellowstone Montana was a huge adventure. God showed us to rely on him in and for everything. Being a tourist town gas, and groceries were so very expensive.  

Summer weather didn't really  hit until near the end of  July.
We went bike riding in the rain and mud. Silas absolutely loved it. 
Got to see this lovely lady a few times. 

Emilee and her family took us tubing in their fancy boat.! 
We out on the lake at least 3 times a week.. 
These cool cats came to visit. We at at the most delicious Spanish restaurant. 

Look at them go! Silas got that bike for me for our anniversary. 

Yellowstone National Park Beauty! Part of Silas' job was to drive into the park everyday and deliver car parts to service stations. What a blessing we was able to see the park and God's amazing beauty daily. This was my first time every being in the park. I was able to go in with him almost every weekend.

This happened almost daily. 

This is a Golden eagle. They are huge!!

My first  time in Yellowstone!!

See what I mean! 
Super Hot!

Silas' mom came a separate time to visit us. 
Beautiful day! 

  I forgot to mention that this summer we celebrated our one year anniversary! Silas' surprised me by taking me to a bed and breakfast, early morning bike ride, and a day in Bozeman, Mt.

Silas could not wait and gave this to me a week early. I thought he rented fro a shop but nope. It was mine 
Our cute room!
bike ride. 

This is the Bed and Breakfast! 
Gluten free anniversary Cake! 

Now for back to Idaho!
Little Nebo! 

first Snow! 

This was our attempt to to Christmas card! they didn't turn out
 like they were suppose to so..
Merry Christmas! 

Trip to Arizona! 

On our way back to Idaho from Arizona we were able to visit some good friends in Las Vegas. ( Laruen and Jason) 
Farm house in Rupert! 


Silas recently won 1000 dollars for this bad boy!
In the Art and Soul art  contest! What a blessing from the Lord. 
Here is another view of the same painting! 

Mr. Muscles! Love this Man! 
We went to a convention in North Carolina in October and this was one of the planes we got to board at  like 6 in the morning on basically no sleep. But on the plus side the sunrise was beautiful and we got to board it outside. 

In the mountains to claim our Christmas tree 2012! 

Gross Dasha! That is snow on Nebo's mouth not Rabbis! 

I ended up moving our tree and redecoration it after this was taken. :) but was pretty much the same.
Our first real Christmas Tree. 

Cute little Nebo! He is huge now!!

In Colorado! 

Visiting Silas' cousins in Colorado! 
These lazy guys! 
yup that's Silas! 

Chicken city at our house in Declo! 

This is our latest trip! We went to Portland Oregon to watch Jacob (my brother) and the rest of the Corban track team run at their conference meet. Sadly I did not get any pictures to share. They did not turn out all that great but here are some from our pit stop for lunch and a hike at Multnomah  Falls.

 Well I suppose that is it. We are both loving and enjoying this married life. We long for a family and pray earnestly for one. In the meantime for are so thankful for the Lords provision in our lives and for allowing us to have so been treasured times.
